Personal Empowerment & Coaching for Individuals & Leaders


Have you ever considered how coaching could benefit you?

Start here with your mini behavioural profile to help you

  • Breakthrough indecision & make some changes
  • Gain clarity on your direction & empower yourself to inspire others


Leadership, Self-awarness, Empowerment, Improved Communication, Personal Development & Improved Performance

business leadership coaching

Personal Empowerment

Parallel Connections is passionate about supporting you to empower yourself to change the course of your life for the better. No matter who you are, your beginnings, your education, your lifestyle – we help you to discard expectations or perceived limitations and step into the future you want.

business leadership coach

Leadership Coaching

If you desire to be a more effective leader and improve your self-awareness, then leadership coaching is ideal for you. Do you know what type of leader you are? Parallel Connections specialises in leadership identity and improved communication and identiying your leadership style.

Personality Profiling

Behavioural Profiling

Unmask your behaviour through Behavioural Profiling to grow both personally and professionally. Extended DISC® accredited consultants; Parallel Connections help you discover your true self and have clarity around why you behave the way you do.


Who Can Benefit from Coaching & Personal Mentoring

  • Do you wonder if you are in the right role?
  • Are you frequently distracted or disengaged at work?
  • Is your team disjointed, their productivity and engagement lacking?
  • Do you find that you use so much energy to do complete some of your tasks?
  • Are you wanting a change and unsure where to start?
  • Do you frequently miss deadlines or struggle to set goals?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you could benefit from business or personal coaching.

Business coaching is beneficial for virtually everyone. Individuals, small to medium enterprise and corporate businesses alike can all achieve greater success through business coaching and mentoring. Some benefits of business coaching include:


Mentoring to develop your skills and give you more confidence in your abilities to upskill and accelerate your progress.


A more developed understanding of how you process things and engage with others, and in turn, how your colleagues do the same. This is done through the power of EDISC behavioural profiling.


Implementing organisational change management by focusing on achieving personal and professional goals.


Coaching to guide you to overcome feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy and to step into a space of personal development where you feel empowered to be your best.

implement new strategies

Support to implement new strategies. A new idea is great but having someone to coach you through its implementation keeps you on track, meaning you are more likely to be successful.

Enhanced communication skills

Enhanced communication skills which decreases conflict and increases connection with others.

Helping You Achieve Success

Not Convinced Coaching is for you.

According to the Institute Of Coaching

80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

Increased Self-Confidence

Improved Work Performance

More Effective Communication Skills

Improved Personal and Professional Relationships


How to Choose a Coach?

Effective business coaching or personal coaching and mentoring is dependent on selecting the right coach for you or your business and is integral to how successful the coaching will be. The right business coach and personal mentor for you is someone you can trust.

You should feel they genuinely understand your situation both personal and professional and you should feel comfortable to share your thoughts. It is through openness that your business coach will help you uncover what is holding you back.

Once you have decided to engage help for your personal or business development and growth… the rest is up to you and how committed you are to play hard and achieve your goals!

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” 

Tony Robbins


Why Choose Us?

At Parallel Connections we specialise in personal coaching and development, as well as business coaching. We want to support you and give you the tools to achieve all of your professional and personal aspirations. Through our tailored coaching programs, we give you the tools for long-term, actionable change that leads to your personal achievements or your business success.

 Let us help you to create freedom and opportunities in your life. From personal goals or leadership objectives in the corporate world to start-ups, small business coaching and established businesses, Parallel Connections coaching services can help.

Be curious about your potential and call us to help you uncover all that you can be!


What does a Coach do?

At Parallel Connections, we start by getting to know you. We discover where you are at now – then we uncover where you want to be. Next, we explore and plan how to get you there? We understand that individuals and businesses have unique needs and challenges, so we tailor our approach accordingly.

Once we understand the core purpose behind your need for coaching, we then follow some tried and true steps to get you on your way. Rather than just dream about what you want, we help you take action and achieve it.


Once we outline your goals, we will workshop strategies with you to achieve these. Goals may be financial, operational, learning-based, efficiency-related, or prehaps focused on team dynamics or  personal goals. No matter what you are striving for, we can help you achieve it.


Once we know the ‘what’ we move on to the ‘how’. We provide you with proven methods and tools to help you structure a workable process towards achieving your goals. We encourage you to consider the unexpected and to build momentum during your process of change.


Need help to stay motivated and implement these new strategies? Our professional coaching will guide and support you through the execution of each step. Part of this execution is to establish timelines, KPI’s, goals and set actions. We keep you accountable and focused so your hard work can come to fruition. 


The path to success is rarely without incident – this is why we help you regularly check your progress. Regularly reviewing your goals, objectives and KPIs means you can change or refine your strategies as needed, helping to keep your objectives, no matter what happens along the way.


Our Success Stories

“I have had the pleasure of receiving Coaching from Daneen Littlejohn. With her direction, I was able to clearly define and outline my professional and personal goals. Daneen has also provided insight into patterns that were holding me back.

Daneen always displays warmth, is compassionate, and has the true desire to see me succeed. I have seen tremendous progress in my growth since my sessions. Her innate authenticity and her personal style of coaching has always made me feel like I am in very safe hands.

I highly recommend Daneen Littlejohn to any individual or business seeking a coach who will be absolutely committed to anyone she works with.”


Leadership Coaching

“I first worked with Daneen Littlejohn for personal coaching and more recently Daneen has helped me to step-up and empower myself. Through what feels like the easiest and most natural flowing conversations, Daneen has the ability to extract nuggets of insight. She will draw on these to help you determine the goals you never knew you held for yourself.

All my life I have struggled with the concept of leadership, always tentative to take myself seriously because I never thought I possessed the right skillset.

Daneen’s coaching has helped me really see how I can channel my own uniqueness into something that is both useful and successful.”

Chloe D

Leadership Coaching